
American Legion Mandarin "Fallen Heroes" Post 372

Serving Veterans Since 1919

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Post 372 Audits


Per Post 372 By-Laws, the Executive Committee is required to audit the Post's accounts on a regular basis and at the end of the fiscal year (end of June).

All Post functions, financial and administrative, are subject to this audit. Audit reports are available upon member’s request.


The following is the outcome of the end-of-year audit for fiscal year 2023 as submitted by Steve Sullivan, Audit Committee Chairman:



Post 372 Legionnaires,

     The Annual Post Audit for fiscal year 2023/2024 was conducted on August 19, 2024. The reason for the delay was that several key office holders were unavailable earlier, including the Audit Chairman. Attending the Audit were the Commander, First Vice, Second Vice, Finance Officer, Adjutant, Membership Chairman, two members of the Executive Committee, the Historian, one member from the General Membership and, of course, the Audit Chairman.

     The Audit was conducted using our Legion derived, in house, Audit Checklist and consisted of an examination of the following Post entities:

     1. Post financial records, to include Bank Account reconciliation, documentation of incoming monies, outgoing expenses and related financial transactions associated with Post operations.

     2. Membership records, including cross referencing membership roles with the Department list, accounting of paid dues, distribution of membership cards and continued membership recruitment.

     3. Insurance requirements.

     4. Tax-Exempt status.

     5. Availability of minutes from General Membership meetings.

     6. Submission of the Consolidated Post Report (CPR).

     7. Agreements with other interested parties. 

     8. Organization of Committees.

     9. Support of Legion Programs.

     10. Conduct of meetings.

     11. Communication with members.

     12.  Overall assessment of Post operations, including abiding by the current Constitution and By-Laws. (The revised Constitution and By-Laws are still in work).

     It is the opinion of this auditor that American Legion Mandarin “Fallen Heroes” Post 372, inc. is conducting operations in a professional, business-like manner and that all necessary documentation of said conduct is complete and accurate.

For God and Country

Steve Sullivan

Audit Committee Chairman